Random Ponderings: The Annex Payphone and related stuff

Random Ponderings:  The Annex Payphone and related stuff

Featured Image:  Picture of the Annex payphone taken in 2007.

“Who has money for the phone?”

Standing on line at the payphone in the Annex after getting back from a parade or show was how it worked for us back then.  Eventually, some of us had cars – but that phone was how many of us got home after a long day (or tour!).

The technology we had available to us was simple:  portable cassette recorders.  Did we use them to listen to “regular” music on the buses?  Usually not.  Battery life was saved for the latest record-from-the-stands performance, be it winter ensemble or summer field show.  It also meant we spent time talking to each other while traveling … or singing together … or whatever.  We spent time with each other without technology getting in our way – and this, in its own simple way, helped us to grow as a family.

Thanks for listening.

All for now – corpsdially yours from jo!